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Security Parking*
- Secure parking facility and all-weather protection for your car
- 24-hour CCTV camera monitoring
- 120 standard parking bays with 2 accessible parks
- Entry height limit: 2.3 metres
- 2-minute walk to the terminal
- Conveniently located on the left as you approach the terminal
- *Online booking for Secure Parking coming soon
Time | Parking Fee |
0 – 1 day | $30.00 |
1 – 2 Days | $56.00 |
2 – 3 Days | $82.00 |
3 – 4 Days | $110.00 |
4 – 5 Days | $136.00 |
5 – 6 Days | $159.00 |
6 – 7 Days | $185.00 |
7 – 8 Days | $200.00 |
Please note: A day is calculated as 24 hours from time of entry. Each additional day is charged at $10 per day. All fees include GST. |
Entry and Exit Instructions
You can choose to access parking options three different ways. Entry and exit instructions for each are below.
Use the QR code from your confirmation email at the entry gate, scan at the QR code reader and the gate will lift. Do not scan your credit card or pull a ticket.
Use the same QR code used for entry at the exit gate, scan at the QR code reader and the gate will lift. Any overstay fees can be paid at the exit gate.
Entry (either car park):
At the gate, tap your VISA or Mastercard on the card reader. The barrier will open, and you can park in any available bay.
Exit for General Car Park:
Tap the same credit card presented for entry at the card reader. A receipt will be produced, and the gate will lift.
Exit for Security Car Park:
Tap the same credit card presented for entry to gain access into the car park (via door) and again to exit at the gate. A receipt will be produced, and the gate will open.
When arriving at the gate, press the flashing button and take a ticket. The gate will open. It is important to retain this ticket at all times.
Exit (on of two options):
Make payment at an automatic parking station located inside the terminal. You will need to produce your ticket which will be validated. Payment can be made by cash or credit card at the terminal pay stations. You will be reissued with a paid parking ticket.
- Insert your paid parking ticket into the exit machine upon exit. Your ticket will be retained after payment is made and the gate will be activated, allowing you to leave the car park.
- Insert your paid parking ticket into the exit machine upon exit. Your ticket will be retained after payment is made and the gate will be activated, allowing you to leave the car park.
Cancellation Protection $5.00
For just A$5.00 you can cancel your parking booking online up to 1 hour before the day of travel and avoid a cancellation charge.